CAA I seminars
17th April 2024, 13.00-17.30
📍The Creative Hub, Traforooms, Kursi 3
Hannes Praks, Andrea Tamm, Mariann Drell (Estonian Centre for Architecture)
The start of the Circular Architecture Accelerator
Eik Hermann, PhD, Lecturer (EKA)
“The Changing Role of Architects on a Warming Planet?”
Eik Hermann is a philosopher, lecturer at EKA (Estonian Academy of Arts), promoter of architectural thought, co-editor of Ehituskunst magazine, and co-author of exhibitions such as “Architecture and the Thermal Dimension”, “Climate: A Bit Cold”, and “Near Zero”.
Simo Ilomets, PhD, Lecturer (TalTech)
“Expectations and Requirements for Future Buildings and Construction Materials in the Context of Climate Change”
Simo Ilomets is a member of the Near Zero Energy Buildings research group at TalTech’s School of Engineering and Architecture, a construction engineer, and a lecturer.
Yoko Alender (Minister for Climate, Architect)
“The Climate Crisis and Spatial Design”
Yoko Alender is an architect, Minister for Climate, trainer, and publisher of the book “Nomaadide sajand – Kuidas kliimamurrang üle elada”.
Indrek Allmann, Architect/Founder (PLUSS – Architects)
“Continuous Spatial Design: The Example of Hundipea”
The Hundipea development as a vision for sustainable urban space, featuring innovative architectural approaches and solutions.
II SEMINAR: Strategies and Development Plans for Sustainable Construction
30th April 2024, 13.00-18.00
📍The Creative Hub, Traforooms, Kursi 3
Jüri Rass, Deputy Secretary General for Construction (Ministry of Climate)
Deputy Secretary General for Sustainable Construction at the Ministry of Climate, Jüri Rass, introduces Estonia’s green transition development plans, sustainable construction strategies, and building energy efficiency directives.
Marija Katrīna Dambe, Architect (Nomad Architects, Latvia)
“From a Building to Waste”
Developments in sustainable construction in Latvia, the creation of a circular construction guide. Projects by the architectural firm Nomad Architects can be found at
Gabrielė Ubarevičiūtė, Architect (After Party, Lithuania)
“After Party – Aiming to impact long term sustainability of built environment”
Insights into sustainable construction developments in Lithuania, with projects by the architectural firm After Party available at
Helena Rummo and Elina Liiva, Architects, Junior Researchers (EKA)
“(Climate) Changes in Architecture”
Helena Rummo and Elina Liiva focus on resource efficiency in their doctoral studies and joint practice. Their work spans various scales, from material circulation to neighborhood-based renovation strategies. They advocate for architects to see greater potential in renovation and to contribute more to enhancing the value of the existing environment. More about their work can be found at